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Randy Orton wouldn’t have expected what he got from The Beast at SummerSlam hence bringing the four-hour-plus event to a bad note.

There are some facts that we are still waiting for, such as if WWE actually planned the show to end that way – whether WWE is for Brock Lesnar with regards to the brutal injury Orton sustained.

For the now, what we have on our desk is the Randy Orton’s head was busted wide open by Brock Lesnar’s ground-and-pound elbows. There was something similar to a pool of blood in the ring, everyone watched that scene with their heart in their mouth.

There was tension in the air, you could touch it. Lesnar rained real punches with his elbow of Randy Orton resulting to the gushing of blood.

Shortly after midnight, WWE issued an update on Randy Orton’s condition after SummerSlam.

Report from the WWE reads that, Orton needed ten stitches as a result of Brock Lesnar’s elbow to the head that busted him open. There’s no word on if Orton will be on SmackDown this week or not.
WWE.com issues this official statement:

WWE.com has learned that Randy Orton has received 10 staples to close a laceration on his forehead following the brutal assault by Brock Lesnar that resulted in a TKO at SummerSlam.

Here are photos of the medics fixing up the Viper’s wound:

Randy Orton gets 10 staples for cut on head

Randy Orton gets 10 staples for cut on head 1

Randy Orton gets 10 staples for cut on head 3

So far, Lesnar’s wrestling career has been noted by his opponents previously accusing him of confusing scripted performances with real MMA. However, there were quite some assumptions about what was planned in the main event on Sunday, however, the cut and blood loss from Orton’s face clearly indicates it didn’t look scripted. This is considered to be one of the brutal assaults by Lesnar and still there is no word on further damage, such whether the 12-time-World Champion suffered a concussion of not.

At this point in time, it is yet to be known whether Lesnar will have any punishment following the brutal assaults over Orton on Sunday. Bringing you more updates on Lesnar’s WWE future as information becomes available…
