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Chris Jericho Recalls: “I Had Issues With Triple H, We Didn’t Have Much Likeness For Each Other”




It’s no secret that Triple H wasn’t afraid to make an enemy or two during his prime in WWE. The Game arrived in the main event scene just before the turn of the millennium and he was going to fight anyone tooth and nail to make sure that’s where he stayed.



Chris Jericho AEW
Chris Jericho and Triple H worked together plenty in the early 2000s and beyond. Of course, his issues with The Rock around that period are well documented, but Chris Jericho has now brought to light some of his issues with the King of Kings from the same period.



Jericho signed with AEW after nearly 20 years working with WWE on and off. He was the company’s first world champion before Jon Moxley took the mantle at their last pay-per-view, Revolution. Jericho, brought instant credibility to the company, but he didn’t leave WWE on bad terms. In fact, he now cites Triple H as a good friend in the business.



Chris Jericho and Triple H
However, speaking to Rich Eisen, Jericho opened up about some of the past issues he had with the godfather of NXT. “I think there were guys, in the past, that I had issues with. I mean Triple H is one of them. He’ll tell you the same. In the early 2000’s, we didn’t have much [likeness] for each other, but we always had great matches, and I think that’s one of the reasons why.

