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WWE stars Drew McIntyre and Paige led the way with heartwarming tributes to their friend who just passed away.

Since then, tributes have been pouring in for the British wrestling star and reigning Champion passed away today at the age of 36. The cause of death has yet to be revealed.

Taking to Twitter, long time friend and colleague, Drew McIntyre, said: “Sleep well my brother. I’ll see you down the line.”

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Fellow WWE star Paige said: “Breaks my heart. RIP my friend. You were always so wonderful to me and I’ll be forever grateful that I knew you.”

British wrestling star Adrian McCallum, a.k.a. Lionheart, passed away today at the age of 36. The cause of death has yet to be revealed.

McCallum was the reigning ICW Champion when he passed. He had defeated Jackie Polo for the title at ICW’s Fear & Loathing XI last December. Adrian “Lionheart” McCallum Passes Away At Age 36.

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McCallum had also worked matches for TNA and WWE when they were in the U.K., and had competed for the ROH World Championship in 2008.

ICW issued the following statement regarding McCallum’s passing on Twitter:

We are heartbroken to learn of the tragic death of ICW World Heavyweight Champion, Adrian ‘Lionheart’ McCallum. Adrian was a mainstay of ICW and British professional wrestling. Most importantly, he was our friend. His passing leaves a huge hole in the lives of those who knew him.

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McCallum posted his final tweet on Tuesday night, writing, “One day you will eat your last meal, You will smell your last flower, you will hug your friend for the last time.

You might not know it’s the last time, that’s why you must do everything you love with passion” #Afterlife @rickygervais”

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We here at send our condolences out to the friends and family of Adrian McCallum.

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“One day you will eat your last meal,
You will smell your last flower, you will hug your friend for the last time. You might not know it’s the last time, that’s why you must do everything you love with passion
