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“Mandy Rose You Need Dolph Ziggler In Your Life” – Ziggler Paid Ex-WWE Star To Win Mandy Back



Mandy Rose dating Dolph Ziggler


Dolph Ziggler lost the affections of Mandy Rose to Otis at WrestleMania, and it’s hitting him hard.



Apparently, he’ll do anything to win back his belle – up to and including spending as much as $25. It seems Dolph paid Dylan Postl – better known as Hornswoggle – to record an earnest plea to Rose via his Cameo page. Cameo is a platform on which minor celebrities charge money to produce custom video messages.



Dolph ziggler is a sex machine

Ziggler said in a direct tweet to Mandy Rose:

“Mandy, you need… you need to think about this. You need Dolph in your life. Dolph… Dolph is the Justin to your Britney, the Zack Morris to your Kelly Kapowski. You guys are perfect together. Dolph is beloved by the WWE locker room, by the office, by almost half of the WWE Universe (back in 2013), but you need to give him another chance. You guys are made for each other. Take back Dolph.”



Dolph Ziggler dating Mandy Rose

Ziggler got a lot of criticism for being quite dull, but this is definitely a creative use of social media to further an ongoing storyline, and another check in the good books for a man who has been doing a of late to promote the causes of those recently let go by his employers.

