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There have been some disagreements of many sorts concerning the membership of CM Punk in the UFC. CM Punk has to embrace any disagreement no matter where it did come from whether from the WWE or UFC.

Since CM Punk announced that he had joined the UFC and until date it has all been controversies. It was revealed that Punk was signed in to the company with many other fighters who later denied that Punk wasn’t their peer.

There have been lots of controversies from different UFC fighters, here is what UFC Welterweight Matt Brown said about Punk:

“I didn’t criticize him for having his surgery if it was something necessary to do. I criticized him for the fact that he’s not a fighter. He doesn’t deserve to fight in the UFC with no fights. I don’t believe he deserves to fight in the UFC based off the name he made in pro-wrestling and I think he’ll figure it out when he fights in the UFC, he’ll figure it out the hard way. Or he can listen to me and that’ll be the easy way to learn,”

Punk has been training for a match which was supposed to be in February Mickey Gall but unfortunately, the match was shifted to summer due to the fact that CM Punk was forced to undergo back surgery which kept him for six weeks. No one can pretty tell now when his match in the UFC will be coming up. Anyway, let’s keep expecting to hear from UFC officials.
