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Harley Race and Vince MacmahonOver the years, we’ve head the stories about Vince McMahon quietly offering financial assistance to wrestlers.



The most famous story is Vince McMahon helping Ric Flair out of debt in the 2000s but there are many stories that go unreported because they never get out.

harley race

Trevor Murdoch noted on his Facebook page that Harley Race needed a Med flight during his final days before his death and Medicare wouldn’t help him.

Murdoch noted that a call was made to WWE and Vince McMahon immediately stepped in to make sure Race was taken care of.

Harley Race and Nick Aldis

A lot can be said about Vince McMahon but it’s always great to hear stories like this.

Here is Murdoch’s full Facebook post:

harley race stand

I just wanted to put this out there. Harley needed to be transferred from Atlanta to St.Louis. He needed to take a Med flight because he was in rough shape. Medicare wouldn’t help him.

A call was made to WWE and 10 mins later it was paid in full. Vince McMahon never blinked an eye. He wanted to make sure Harley was taken care of.

Thank you Vince, you gave me 2 more days with Harley.
