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Two of the new signings moved from WWE’s NXT.

Impact Wrestling announced through the media its new sign-ins, on Thursday. They are coming in to the TNA’s main roster.

The five newcomers that were announced are Laura Dennis, Marshe Rockett, Jesse Guilmette, Mikael Vierge, and Thomas LaRuffa.

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In NXT the wrestlers were known as Sylvester Lefort and Marcus Louis, but upon signing with TNA, they took up different names. Sylvester Lefort is now Thomas LaRuffa, while Marcus Louis is Mikael Vierge.

The two exited NXT in February. And they seem pleased with their new lives in TNA. A tweet from Vierge shows this:

“Very proud to join the prestigious @IMPACTWRESTLING ,the biggest achievement in my career.Get ready!#ImpactOnPop pic.twitter.com/cYkUsl8mmc”.
