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Vickie Guerrero has revealed when WWE should induct Chris Benoit into the Hall of Famer



Vickie Guerrero and Chris Benoit


It’s been a while since Vickie Guerrero was a prominent member of the on-screen WWE talent pool, and not many will miss her shrieking voice.



Her ‘excuse me’ line sent a chill down most people’s spines – for all the wrong reasons as far back as 2014- and that’s about that.



Nancy Benoit WCW OVW WWE

Nancy Benoit, Wife of Chris Benoit who was murdered

Guerrero even made a surprise face turn upon her departure, giving Stephanie McMahon her comeuppance after being fired. One would assume Guerrero would’ve had a job for life in WWE if she wanted one, given how respected her husband Eddie was before his untimely passing in 2005.



But citing her own ambitions to re-train as a medical administrator, Guerrero departed the business and has only made one-off appearances since.



Chris Benoit
In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet, her friendship with former world champion Chris Benoit and his family was questioned – many people know that Benoit shockingly murdered his wife Nancy and son Daniel in 2007 before taking his own life.



Van Vliet asked Guerrero whether or not she thinks we will ever see Benoit inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, which is a much-debated topic.



”I don’t think so, because he’s not even existing with the WWE as far as documentaries or history,” Guerrero responded, per Cageside Seats.

Former WWE Stars Chris Benoit and Victoria

Former WWE Stars Chris Benoit and Victoria dated before his death

“It’s a sad situation. I loved Chris Benoit a lot. His family was our family. His wife Nancy, we were close friends. Their son, Daniel… you know, we were all really close.

“I wasn’t there when it happened, I don’t understand why it happened, but I still love him. He was… aside from all that, he loved us and he respected us.”

On whether or not she herself wanted to see Benoit inducted, Guerrero gave a response in favour of the tarnished former champion.

Chris Benoit

”I would like to see that. Aside from everything, Chris Benoit was a talented wrestler and he had his own legacy,” said Vickie.

“I think it shouldn’t be ignored. It’s sad how things turned out, but I would like to see him inducted into the Hall of Fame.”

You’d have to admit the chances of Benoit being given a place in the Hall of Fame is more-than-likely never going to happen, but the debate will rumble on for a long, long time.
