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Monday Night Raw is up for grabs. When the die is cast, whose lot will it be?

Shane McMahon’s return opened up the insides of the WWE. The activities outside the fighting arena, in the McMahon clan, as to where the hold of Monday Night Raw will fall.

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There were two contestants- Vince McMahon, on the one hand; and Triple H+ Stephanie McMahon on the other hand. Suddenly, the Prodigal shows up, and wants his share of the cake- of- contention.

Shane has captured audience attention, but he has also helped to expose the truth that a power struggle may have been on for several days. This time between father and son-in-law.

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Dave Meltzer writes,
“Exactly how much of this is legit or exaggerated you can make up your own mind, but the Vince McMahon vs. HHH dynamic is something that everyone is talking about internally, even more since Shane McMahon appeared on the scene.”

Vince McMahon’s disenchantment with NXT may well be a big red ink stain on a plain white paper- the final outcome of the power struggle is quite glaring, what with Shane being the strength of the old bull’s youth.

Fans keep your enthusiasm up, the McMahon have pulled surprises before, they can do it again.
