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Triple Threat for the #1 Contendership: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

The winner of this match will face WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H at WrestleMania 32. We go to the ring and out comes Dean Ambrose first to a pop. Roman Reigns is out next through the crowd. Brock Lesnar’s music hits to a big pop and out he comes with Paul Heyman and the pyro.

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Everyone looks ready to fight as we get formal ring introductions from Lilian. Reigns gets pretty significant boos. Heyman does the introduction for Lesnar. The bell rings and Lesnar rams Ambrose into the corner. Reigns attacks Lesnar from behind. Lesnar fights him off with knees. Lesnar knocks Ambrose off the apron.

Lesnar catches Reigns with a big German suplex. Reigns lands on the back of his neck. Lesnar with thrusts in the corner. Ambrose comes from behind but Lesnar shoves him and hits a big clothesline, sending Ambrose to the floor.

Lesnar goes back to work on Reigns in the corner. Another German for Reigns. Ambrose comes off the top with a missile dropkick to the back of the neck of Lesnar. Ambrose tries for a German on Lesnar but it’s blocked. Lesnar nails a belly-to-belly on Ambrose.

