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WWE HOFer has said that pro wrestlers deserve insurance and retirement plans



Vince McMahon Unhappy

Kevin Von Erich is the last surviving member of the legendary Von Erich Wrestling Family. The family put the WCCW on the map and were stars of the promotion throughout the 1980s during which they feuded with the Fabulous Freebirds.


Von Erich talked about that legendary feud when he spoke to Wrestling Inc. during a recent episode of our WINCLY podcast.

Ross and Marshall Von Erich, sons of Kevin Von Erich

“They were great athletes and good competition, but I don’t want to take anything away from guys like Chris Adams or Gino Hernandez,” said Von Erich. “We did Israel and just lit the country on fire there and they had never heard of the Freebirds.

We’d go to Japan and it’s great houses and responses there. I worked with Ox Baker, Big John Studd and Bruiser Brody in the early days of World Class.”

Von Erich then talked about how Michael Hayes has claimed that no one went to Texas to advance their career and he doesn’t think that is true at all. He said Texas has a strong market due to all of the big, tough, ol’ country boys there.

Kevin Von Erich WCCW legend

“I don’t wanna take away from Chris and Gino because they were so good. I think Gino Hernandez will never be matched with the kind of heel he was.

And Chris Adams? What I admired about him is he never complained and just fought me back. When you do that it’s great TV and it’s just the way to do it,” stated Von Erich.

WCCW in the 1980s gave way to the rise of the WWF and Vince McMahon’s vision of pro wrestling which was very different than the territorial promotions that preceded it. Von Erich was asked what he thinks of the way McMahon and WWE do things.

Kevin Von Erich Sons Ross and Marshall Sign with MLW

Kevin Von Erich’s Sons Ross and Marshall Sign with MLW

“I can’t really say because I don’t really watch a lot of TV outside of my sons because if my sons are involved then I’m watching that,” admitted Von Erich. “And I will watch people that they’re gonna be in the ring with or if I like their talent.

“I can’t really comment on Vince but I know they have good, solid men and athletes and I wish the best to all of them.”

When McMahon took over WWE from his father, he began scooping up all of the regional promotions and Von Erich talked about experiencing that period.

Ross and Marshall Von Erich

“It was another change and transition in the business. Because Vince did that, so many guys were able to live so much better,” said Von Erich who was then asked if wrestlers should be treated like employees. “Of course they should and they do.

A big company can do that but these independent guys are just taking their lives in their hands out there.

That’s just how it is. It would be great if there was retirement [plans] and compensation for them for when they are injured.”

Ross and Marshall Von Erich

Von Erich’s two sons have joined MLW recently and with his years of experience in the business, Von Erich was asked if there have been any talks of him working with the promotion in some sort of backstage role.

“Whatever comes up, I’ll deal with it as it does,” said Von Erich. “But I just wanna give my best to all of those young guys out there ? stay all in like you are and keep God with you.

Ross and Marshall Von Erich

You can train all you want but there’s always that little something extra that comes so important in those final moments of the match and it’s good to have prayer in your life. When you see something that’s impossible, that’s when you need God.”
