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WWE legend says, “I was offered $100,000 to legitimately break Hulk Hogan’s leg”



Hulk Hogan surprised

On a recent episode of Talk Is Jericho, the greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time interviewed WWE Hall of Famer, the Iron Sheik. Among other things, the Iron Sheik talked about dropping the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Hulk Hogan at Madison Square Garden in 1984. Also, the Iron Sheik discussed his amateur wrestling background.


According to the Iron Sheik, he did not mind dropping the title to Hogan because of his respect for the McMahon family.

Lacey Von Erich and Hulk Hogan

Lacey Von Erich and Hulk Hogan

“Well, I didn’t mind because I have a lot of respect for Mr. McMahon and his family. And whatever he told me, I did it for them because Mr. McMahon is the number one promoter in the world.”

As for the story that AWA’s Verne Gagne asked the Iron Sheik to break Hogan’s leg, the Iron Sheik confirmed that the story is completely true.

Hulk and Linda Hogan

“That’s legit because over there at that time, Hulk Hogan was in Minnesota and from Minnesota he [came] through to New York.

And Mr. Verne Gagne, one night before [the match with Hogan], he called me and told me, ‘Khosrow, don’t drop the belt to Hogan. Come back to Minnesota. I [will] take care of you and [give you] $100,000.

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And Jimmy Crockett [is] going to take care of you’ because, at that time, they had the competition from each other.”

The Iron Sheik claimed that he told both Vince McMahon, Sr. and Jr. of the situation before the match and assured them that he was not going to break Hogan’s leg and leave with the title.

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Hulk Hogan Shows Back Scars After 10th Surgery

“I [told] them [about] my conversation with Mr. Gagne. ‘He called me. He told me don’t lose the belt. Break his leg [and] take the belt to Minnesota.

But I want to let you know, you guys, [because of the] respect [I have] for you and [the] respect [I have] for [getting] a break in New York.

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I can’t do that and I’m not going to go.’ And then they hugged me in appreciation. And [it is a] true story.”

The Iron Sheik stated that he had a difficult time starting out in the professional wrestling business because many performers were scared to work with shoot fighters.

Iron Sheik and Hulk Hogan

“A lot of professional wrestlers at that time were scared to work with a shooter. You know I was a shooter.

I was a real wrestler and I had a rough time [trying] to get booked because they [didn’t] want to work with me.”

The Iron Sheik continued, “they didn’t want to work with me because they thought maybe I would stretch them.”
