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Hardly to happen in the WWE is the award of champions at live events. During the recent NXT live event the championship was done in another dimension. The live event was in Lowell, MA.

The champion was awarded to Samoa Joe who fought with Finn Balor which made B lost his championship title.

The joy for the show all started in social media about the main rooster in take where AJ Styles was already in the list. It was rumored that Finn will take up as the leader of a team possibly the bullet club where Karl and Luke Gallows reign.

Just recently it was reported by wrestlinc.com that Finn suffers an injury of the ankle which he sustained during the event at Lowell in his match with Joe.

Fans stated that Finn looked to roll his ankle only to discover that he was hurt already. Then the referee had to make a double X sign and in no mean time Joe won the match and the championship Title.

After the match, doctors were seen checking on Finn Balor and the funniest part is that they have not yet discovered what’s wrong with Finn. What do you think? This may lead to Finn being called into the main roster. Anyway, let’s hope and hear reports from doctors before we predict.
