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Vince McMahon has said that the service of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon would no longer be needed once Shane defeats The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32.

Hence, the end may be here for Triple H who has been at the forefront for professional wrestlers in the wrestling giant company. Just like most great individuals in the world, he began from the bottom and gradually climbed the ladder of success though with a remarkable level of difficulties.

If we want to take it from the angle where his ring performances are involved, then we wouldn’t be wrong to say that despite the fact that he may not have huge fans around the world compared to the likes of John Cena and Roman Reigns, he does wrestle well.

However, it seems the curtain is set to be drawn for him as his talent contract expires right at the end of this month, just an inch to WrestleMania 32.

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The focal point is, WWE usually renews such contract a year or two years in advance but this time is different – the company has been silent.

This may come to quite a number of fans as a shock as they have naturally keyed Triple H into the lock of the company. But for whatever reason, the WWE management has refused to renew Triple H contract this time around.

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Just lately, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon said that if Shane won The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon would leave the company.

And there are indications that Shane would win – it’s becoming crystal clear, too clear to doubt. Hence Shane would take over WWE RAW from HHH and Stephanie and that would bring WWE into a new light.

With Shane at the driver’s seat of the company, WWE no longer needs Triple H and Stephanie around in its management’s team. And that translates to Shane taking over the television roles as well.

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