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Bayley is a very special talent, but does she have what it takes to make it on the main roster with the likes of Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair.

From the moment she arrived in NXT with her gimmick she won over fans in droves and put on amazing matches. She continued this momentum by joining the four horsewoman and eventually winning the NXT Woman’s title. She was even involved in the first ever iron woman match with Sasha Bank, which is believed to be a crucial turning point in the woman’s revolution of WWE. With that being said and Bayley’s high and low points so far on the main roster, how invested is WWE at this point in continuing to make Bayley a top talent and ultimately win the woman’s title.

Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, WWE has apparently soured on the former NXT standout and could be juggling around ideas to send her back to NXT. This thinking is also strengthen by the rumored that was reported by WWE’s rumor round up, which talks about WWE Officials holding off on her match with Charlotte until WrestleMania 33. While WWE could just keep Bayley in subpar feuds with lower ranked talent until WrestleMania season swings around, it would be a lot more interesting if WWE decided to send Bayley back to NXT as apart of her storyline and have her make a surprise return at WrestleMania 33.

There is no doubt that it could work and would also fall in line with Bayley’s underdog character. This would also be a great way for WWE to blur the lines between reality and kayfabe and also give a nice boost to NXT as well. What do you think? Would it work? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to tell us what superstar you think should be sent back down to NXT.
