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The WWE former superstar Daniel Bryan was forced to retire from professional wrestling due to a life threatening injury which he underwent surgery for.

Prior to the retirement of Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella his wife also gave her announcement of retirement with the simple reasons of going to be with her sick husband, to take care of him till he fully recovers and also to make babies and become a mother.

Daniel Bryan was made the general manager of SmackDown Live during the WWE brand extension program which has brought him back to WWE though not as a wrestler as the general manager of one of the top brand in WWE SmackDown Live. It was rumored before now that Brie Bella was also returning to start up her career with the company.

Recent report states that both couple, Daniel and Brie will be involved in a serious show of in the WWE and this involves the duo Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella attending the 68th annual Primetime Emmy Awards later tonight. While on the road, Brie Bella announced when she tweeted photo on social media. See tweet below:
