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Superstar of the Attitude Era had everything falling in place for him, his physic, wrestling Ability and majorly his unique name Stone Cold Steve Austin. Lady Blossom who is Austin’s ex-wife in moment ago reveals the story behind the moniker.

Jeanie Clark Austin’s wife speaking in an interview said she mistakenly came up with the name Stone Cold after watching a TV show having a character called Iceman in it.

She explained how coincidentally she came up with the name when she told Austin to drink his tea before it got cold but Austin himself had earlier recommended that WWE offices to change his name to Ice Dagger or Fang McFrost which was not received very well.

Clark said “He would drink hot tea, and he was sitting by the edge of the bed and I just said ‘don’t worry, you’ll think of something. Now drink your tea before it gets stone cold. There it is, there’s your name’”.

Jeanie Clarke ended her relationship with Austin following a severe case of addiction towards prescribed drugs. Speaking during the interview Clark said the recent passing away of WWE star Chyna due to drugs was what almost killed her. She admitted and felt guilty of being addicted and deeply felt sorry about the passing away of a woman like Chyna due to drug use.
