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The 1 November’s smackdown was the first SmackDown shows since this month and it was really a good opener for more great matches to come along side in this month.

It has happened that WWE events never elapse without dark matches of any sort. WWE has finally used that as a means of sending fans home happy. The dark matches happens to be the most of the whole matches all through the shows whether RAW or SmackDown Live.

Just after SmackDown Live, it was reported that after the match went on the air closed with Dean Ambrose victorious against AJ Styles, thus earning a Number One Contender spot, giving him a future world title opportunity against AJ Styles. On air, Ziggler defended his title against Curt Hawkins. However, there was a second title defense after the show went off.

In the dark, Dolph Ziggler defeated The Miz in an Intercontinental Championship match. Maryse was banned from ringside. At one point, The Spirit Squad tried to interfere, but it was The Hype Bros who made the save. The trio had some fun after the match!
