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The return of Bill Goldberg has opened way for other superstars to return to the ring. Ever since the return, WWE has recorded lots of superstars who had returned to the company within a short period of time.

Allwrestlingnews.com reported that, Ted DiBiase Jr. is all set to make his in-ring return for a match at Pro Wrestling EGO’s “The Last Call”. The event is scheduled to take place on December 3rd at Pearl, Mississipi. Apparently, the event is a fundraiser to benefit Rankin and Hinds Country Honor Guard Teams.

Ted DiBiase Jr was a part of WWE from 2007 to 2013. He is most remembered as a member of the stable, “The Legacy”, along with Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton. He is also a 2 time World Tag Team Champion with Cody Rhodes.

He parted ways with the WWE in 2013 after choosing not to extend his contract, to spend more time with his family and to explore other business pursuits. His last appearance with WWE was on an episode of Superstars, where he defeated Micheal McGillicutty.

After his time with the WWE, Ted DiBiase Jr. was a part of CollegeGarageSale.com which is a college-textbook e-commerce website as an Executive. Apart from that, he also has his own YouTube show called, “The DiBiase Posse”, which focuses on his life outside the ring.

Ted DiBiase Jr.’s last in-ring appearance was on October 12, 2013, where he appeared for the Family Wrestling Entertainment’s Grand Prix Tournament and was successful in defeating Colt Cabana.
