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Irrespective of how much fame and crowd Sasha banks commands behind the rings, she has just made a mess of herself and her career as fans demands a sort of punishment for her mishap on Twitter which might cause her a big delay and career setback as she may have to wait much longer than expected to lay hold on her dream of taking hold of the women’s title belt.

Bad as it seems Heyman worsen the matter for Sasha Banks, with his self-praise words during the tweet when he said: “I am so good that there is no way WWE could ignore me for too long.”

However, this also implies that Paul Heyman’s return to the WWE would be critical and a very hard nut to crack as well, though his childish and insignificant acts might just be forgotten.

More-so it could also be that Paul Heyman may have a problem in the nearest future if he’s not careful. Especially if he doesn’t refrain from such narrow-minded actions and also stop getting other WWE Stars involved in his issues……

However, Heyman is safe for now but we hope things doesn’t get worse for Banks especially as Vince McMahon blamed her for the Hell in A Cell rundown, where she wrestled against WWE Divas Champion, Charlotte Flair.
