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Since after the death of Eddie Guerro, WWE has taken their wellness policy very serious so as to prevent what happened to Eddie from happening to other superstars.

Ever since the introduction of the WWE wellness policy, lots of superstars has been suspended, in fact, some has been terminated from participation. The details of the policy includes, first violation will serve 30 days suspension while two time violation will serve 60 days and if it extend to the third time, the superstar will be terminated from action.

It is revealed that WWE is no respecter of anybody when it comes to the issue of their policies. Lots of top superstars have paid dearly for it for violating the policy. Superstars such as Roman Reigns, Randy Orton have faced some penalties resulting from violating the wellness policy. Female athletes such as Paige, Eva Marie and others were also in inclusion.

It is obvious that the WWE wellness policy has come to stay and nothing to remove it from the WWE run style. The policy is just to help superstars maintain a natural fitness and health pattern out of the use of strong drugs. The imagination of WWE removing the wellness policy could possibly mean another thing because it will never happen.
