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The main event of the WWE Summerslsam PPV seemed like a make up and set match. It was Rumored after the match that The WWE planned for the match to be a bloody feud so that it will leave a mark in the heart of the Universe.

Well, we all saw all what happened at the main event of SummerSlam which involved Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton. The match actually started well but ended bloodily and unimpressively because fans had to boo the Beast for all what he did to the Viper Randy Orton. Brock opened up Randy Orton’s head with his elbow and left him in the pool of his own blood.

While Randy was lying helpless in the ring, the commissioner of SmackDown Live Shane McMahon came to help him out after Brock Lesnar has been declared the winner of the match but Brock Lesnar won’t allow Shane McMahon to come any where close to the bleeding Randy Orton. Trying to force himself in, Brock Lesnar issued his finisher, F5 on the SmackDown Live commissioner Shane McMahon before finally leaving the ring with his Manager Paul Heyman.

It is revealed that the McMahon’s siblings has been in quarrel for so long over who take full control of the WWE after Vince McMahon. It has also been several times announced that Triple H will take on Shane McMahon in a fight on behalf of Stephanie his wife. Now it has been rumored all around town that Brock Lesnar’s dirty deeds against Shane McMahon was a conspiracy between stephanie McMahon and Brock Lesnar.

Last episode of the Monday night RAW, Stephanie came in the ring to address the issue saying that she was not in support of what Brock Lesnar did to his brother Shane McMahon and ordered that an apology be made and fine of $500 be paid which Paul Heyman the manager of Of Lesnar came in to fulfill and the apology was accepted.
