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There have been some changes ever since the WWE brand split and this seems to have causing so much for the WWE and even fans as well.

New superstars arriving, younger superstars getting chances to shine and interesting story-lines are only a few of the changes that The WWE Universe has seen over the past month. With that being said, this also means that WWE has a out with the old and in with the new mentality, and unfortunately for The Uso’s, they currently fit into that first category.

Report had it that Vince McMahon is not happy with the twins right now and see them as too injury prone right now. He also feels like their gimmick is too stale and that they bring nothing new to the table in the tag team division.

In fact, with teams like Enzo and Cass, The Vaudevillians, The New Day and American Alpha, McMahon really see no need to bring back The Usos at this time.

While it is probably true that The Uso’s, who have been multiple time Tag team champions and were once billed as the future John Cena group, have gotten stale over the past year or so, WWE could and should still use them to help establish other talent in the division, Furthermore, The Uso’s would also help to legitimize The Smackdown live tag team division, which is full of talented teams, but lack main roster experience right now.
