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Samantha Irvin Asks Age Old Question With Mirror Selfie Photo



Samantha Irvin captures the attention of her fans every time she gets behind the mic. Whether it’s singing her way to the ring or blasting out her name, WWE announcers know how to get fans talking.

She also knows how to ask important questions, sometimes witty and thats what she recently did.

the world is full of important questions. Things like putting pineapple on pizza, how to roll toilet paper, and which side of toast to put butter on.

Samantha Irvin asked another age-old popular question after she posted a snapshot.

Samantha Irvin simply wanted to know what peanut butter fans liked, so she didn’t dodge the question.

“jif or Skippy?”

This question probably has some meaning, but she doesn’t go into depravity.

Samantha Irvin is one of her fan-favorite roles on WWE TV. She certainly has a fan in Ricochet since the duo have
Obviously been dating for quite some time.

Time will tell what both of them do next, but we’ll have to keep an eye on them.
