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During the course of the days, Stephanie McMahon was interviewed at Cannes where she poured out some major facts about of the WWE. As we all know, she is one of the chief owner of the WWE Company. She grew up in WWE being the father Vince McMahon’s pet, she has learned a lot to boast of herself

During the interview, Stephanie talked about the connection between the WWE and the audience and she talked of her shop in the company as putting smiles on people’s face. See what she said:

“It still may not be someone’s cup of tea—I mean, we’re not going to appeal to everybody, But it’s a heck of a lot of fun. If I can get someone to come to a show, that’s the best way for me to sell them on what we are because they experience it. That’s our company’s mission; to put smiles on people’s faces.”

She also talked about being a fan of the business first and the owner later as well as the unlimited
possibilities of virtual reality content:

“We are definitely exploring that content because I have seen some of the early renderings and it is so cool, I am a fan first and foremost – you have to be to be in our business and to be able to walk down the ramp and get in a ring and to see your opponent in the ring – it’s the most unbelievable experience.
I can’t wait to see how that unfolds and of course, we’ll be doing all of our due diligence and research and if it makes sense for us from a business standpoint we will continue to evolve that model.”

Stephanie went further to disclose that the WWE has partnership connection with Samsung mobile but did not go into details.
