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The rivalry between John Cena and AJ Styles is over and the table has been turned to AJ Styles against Dean Ambrose for the WWE world heavyweight championship title.

This duo has fought in several event shows for the title but it seems that Dean Ambrose would not let go off the title which he retained in a triple threat match against his former Shield brethren Seth R0llins and Roman Reigns. AJ Styles is very anxious to get the title but Dean is not giving up yet.

After the recent WWE SmackDown, we saw Dean Ambrose with a bag with him to the ring which he later presented to styles. The bag contained a participation trophy for bowling which Ambrose claimed was the only prize Styles would ever get from him. This was indeed an insult to personality. Dean rained insults on AJ Styles and Styles laughed and told him how John Cena was and he still beat him clean.

Dean Ambrose and Styles spent time teasing each other before Styles gave Ambrose a low blow and left him hunched up in the middle of the ring. Cena watching what has happened came in to help Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt joined AJ Styles so it became Styles and Wyatt vs Dean and Cena. Cena had the upper hand in the opening stages of the match and even landed an early 5 Knuckle Shuffle before Bray fought back and controlled Cena for large stretches of the match.

Wyatt and Styles continued to work over Cena till he finally managed to reach Ambrose and tag him in. Ambrose ran amok laying waste to Styles and Wyatt as he cleaned house. Cena then hit AJ Styles with the Attitude Adjustment. Wyatt then tried to give Ambrose a Sister Abigail but he reversed it into a Dirty Deeds as Cena and Ambrose picked up the win to send the crowd home happy. Sister Abigail disappointed Bray Wyatt.
