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Potential spoiler of WrestleMania 32?

It has been rumoured for days that WWE is planning to scrap up the WWE Divas Title and replace it with the new Women’s Title. Many hardcore wrestling fans have approved this change of name as they feel that it better suits the women on the roster.

It was initially believed for the changes to take root on Monday’s Raw in Dallas. But it seems like WWE has changed its plans for the title.

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In a recent update, both WWE Heavyweight Champion and Divas Champion are scheduled for an interview in NBC’s “Today” show on Monday morning. The Divas champion would presumably be the Women’s Champion during the interview.

So, it looks like the change has been scheduled to take place in WrestleMania. If indeed the change takes place, then it would be a big boost for the Divas Revolution.

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On other update, Bayley reacted to her loss at NXT Takeover: Dallas by tweeting her intentions to Asuka. The fan favourite of NXT tweeted from her personal account to Asuka stating that Asuka hasn’t seen the last of her.
