Finally some good news for WWE Superstar Paige, Boyfriend has announced that she is pregnant with her first child.
WWE Superstar Paige real name Saraya-Jade Bevis is pregnnat! If what former fiancé Alberto Del Rio says is true in this drunken rant, the WWE star Saraya-Jade Bevis (Paige) is ‘expecting’ her first child. Of course we don’t know how credible the wrestler is since he’s sipping beers at a bar — but we shall find out in the days ahead!
It seems like the clouds are finally parting for Paige, who was a victim of a sex tape leak with BRAD MADDOX and XAVIER WOODS. As the WWE superstar continues to put that trauma behind her, former fiancé Alberto Del Rio, shared some juicy news in his Periscope story. The wrestler might be expecting his first child, but it’s hard to tell if he was just joking around in the middle of his drunken rant. “You said I was pregnant yesterday,” quipped the English hottie, to which Alberto joked, “I said a lot of things yesterday. I’m always telling the truth…even when I lie.” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!
This isn’t the first time the engaged couple led fans down a road of confusion. According to Alberto’s Instagram account, he was supposed to marry Paige before their break up. While they may have wed in an ULTRA secret ceremony, there haven’t been any pictures or reports about their wedding…so did it happen yet? Out of all the things Alberto discusses in his drunken video, their hypothetical wedding isn’t one of them. Instead he goes on to diss some WWE stars and talks about his plans to visit the Natural History Museum with Paige.
In a related development, Paige has dumped Alberto Del Rio and has moved on with her life. Of course she seems to be in the habit of dumping lovers having done that over and over again. Now Paige is dating a rockstar, named Kalan Blehm.
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