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BatistaWWE legend turned Hollywood star Dave Bautista has fired shots at The Rock by claiming the icon is not a good actor.


The 51-year-old has followed the likes of the Great One and John Cena into the movie business after quitting the ring.

After a sticky start, Bautista was widely-praised for his performance in Guardians of the Galaxy with fans now looking forward to seeing his latest film Dune.

Dave Batista and Dwayne Johnson

Cena is also enjoying big success on the silverscreen.

But both he and Bautista still have some way to go to reach the heights of The Rock, who was the highest-paid Hollywood actor last year.

However, Bautista has revealed he does not think either Rock or Cena are good actors.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson WWE legend

Speaking to the Tampa Bay Times, he said: “[The Rock and John Cena] are wrestlers who became movie stars.

“I’m … something else. I was a wrestler. Now, I’m an actor.”

Bautista, who returned for his retirement match at WrestleMania 35 in 2019 against Triple H, continued: “[The] Rock was, in a way, a movie star before he was even a movie star.

John Cena vs AJ Styles

“There is something about him that’s really special. I’d never take that away from him.

“Would I consider him a great actor? F*** no.” Explaining his reasoning, Bautista added:”I want good roles. I don’t care about Fast and Furious or Bumblebee. That’s not the kind of stardom I want.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson legend

“I want to be in Dune, I want to work with Denis Villeneuve.

“I want to work with Sam Mendes and Jodie Foster, I want to work with Academy Award winners.

“I’m proud to be a character actor. I want that respect and credibility and education.”
