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Atletico Madrid was won in Real Madrid’s Championship League simply because Cristiano Ronaldo took the Centre stage but can he really gain victory for Portugal in this 2016 Euro?

Cristiano Ronaldo did not really focus his attention on the opportunity maybe because he will not be present on the day that Portugal will be playing with Wembley on Thursday. Because he said he would want to rest his feet and he also said that after their discussion another better season will come for Real Madrid. Few people were resentful about the little break he was given.

Cristiano Ronaldo has scored over 50 goals for his club; the campaign of 2015/2016 was actually the sixth in the row and also the penalty he won in the shoot-out in the match against Atletico made him an eye focus for everyone. Looking at two years ago in Libson, where he had a celebration which became the most referred of Real’s European enthronement.

When the celebrations die down and Ronaldo’s brief period of recuperation is over, his attention will turn to the international stage. Euro 2016 is fast approaching, with only 15 days between the Champions League final and Portugal’s opening game against Iceland in St Etienne on June 12.

When the celebration finally goes down and he his back from his short break, he will be focused on the international stage knowing full well that 2016 Euro is just by the corner with just 15days from the Champions League final and the opening game of Portugal’s against Iceland on the 12th of June at St Etienne.
