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The painful year for celebrity deaths lingered for a fairly long time as the list of them just couldn’t helped it but continued growing.

Sometime in April, it was reported that the wrestling world has lost yet another great talent. It was so painful that his death caused many to lament and wail for a while because he was a great and talented wrestler. But even at that, several other fans did not know that Balls had passed away until now.

lately, a fan was asking a very crazy question, saying that he has never set his eyes on Balls Mahoney for 6 months now and his really thirsty soul was quenched when they told him that Ball had passed away.

According to Pwmania.com report, another ECW Original star has passed away at the age 44 – the first being Axl Rotten who gave up the ghost February this year.

Death met Jonathan Rechner few days ago after he suffered a severe fall which affected his hip. He eventually was admitted into the hospital but along the process, he gave up the ghost in his home.

Up till this very moment, there are no clear words as to what led to his death especially as some say, beyond his injury, there could be more to his death.

Jonathan Rechner, real name Balls Mahoney death came to the public after Johnny Candido, brother of deceased wrestler Chris Candido posted his death on Twitter.

According to him, he noticed that ambulances were parked in strategic locations in front of Mahoney’s house and he became worried as adrenaline bobbled within him. He then asked Mahoney’s wife who told him of the heartbreaking news. Hence, he posted this commemoration on Twitter:

What made his death even more painful was that he just celebrated his death a day before death kissed him.

Our condolences go out to Mahoney’s family, colleagues, friends and fans.

Below are comments from WWE and Mahoney’s brother; May his soul rest in peace!
