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It seems that Kevin Owens has come again with another fashion after digging on the Beast Brock Lesnar last week and after that he now came up with another one but this time with the former WWE champion John Cena. John Cena receives praise from Kevin Owens. The duo rivals and have even faced each other in a match but I wonder the sudden turn around.

The allwrestlingnews.com reports that Kevin Owens give solemn praise to John Cena. When discussing with the Asbury Park Press, Owens said of Cena: “Wrestling John Cena was a pretty incredible experience. I’ve grown to become a huge John Cena fan, if not the wrestler, then certainly the man.” Quit impressing, right?

Still speaking, Kevin Owens addressed the subject of his outspokenness, which has become a staple of his character on WWE, as well as a massive factor behind his skills with the mike.

More so, Kevin Owens stated that for every sensible comment on social media, there are five others that rival each other in stupidity, which is something he always makes sure to point out.

Owens pointed out that he is a brute but very honest when it comes to tweeting. He said that he never want to mix anything with the truth that he just pour it out the way it is no compromising.

Furthermore, Kevin Owens is one superstar whose charisma has influenced the WWE in all areas. He is known for as a top superstar in the company. We cannot deny the fact that he is a champion and a champion indeed for he has really proven himself several times and even he has given the boss Vince McMahon a reason to count on him. He is one of the hottest WWE superstars because of his personality and undeniable talent.
