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The return of the Undertaker was indeed a kind to always talk of. Undertaker returned before Survivor Series and warned the Blue brand never to allow RAW team win them if not they will face his wrath.

It is revealed that WWE has always wanted the match involving John Cena vs. The Undertaker but due to one reason or the other, the match has not come to pass still.

John Cena had to compete against Bray Wyatt and Rusev at WrestleMania 30 and 31 respectively. He didn’t compete at WrestleMania 32. On the other hand, Taker lost to Lesnar at WM 30 and went on to defeat Bray Wyatt and Shane McMahon at WM 31 and 32 respectively.

According to Daily Wrestling News, there is some “friendly tension” going on between Cena and the company.

It was reported that John feels that he is taken for granted and he believes that he deserves similar treatment as part-timers such as Brock Lesnar, Goldberg and The Rock. So, for this simple reason, the 16th time world champioin may not be showing up at WrestleMania 33 against The Undertaker.

Well, we just hope that before then, the whole issues might have been resolved as The Undertaker would be facing AJ Styles at Royal Rumble which will lead to WrestleMania 33.
