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The WWE Universe has revealed itself to be a very free Universe where every and anything happens without much questions or interruptions.

Roman Reigns is the present WWE Heavyweight Champion and has gained ground all this why not letting his title goes for any reason. AJ Styles has been his #1 contender for the title, AJ has tried all he could but to no avail.

According to report by, Stephanie McMahon has fallen in love with this Champion Roman Reigns and even had decided marrying him. The question now is, what will then happen to Triple H? Stephanie and Triple H has been husband and wife for a long time and I wonder how Stephanie’s decision of marrying Reigns is going to work out.

Stephanie McMahon is the daughter of Vince McMahon, the wife of Triple H and the mother of three lovely daughters. Roman Reigns on the other hand is the WWE Heavyweight Champion; he married and has a daughter as well. So, how would this marriage work?

Anyway, since has reported it, let’s watch and see how it happens then.
