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There always seems to be yet another WWE news report about one Pay-Per-View event or another, and this Sunday’s No Mercy event is no different.

Just a few weeks ago, Raw‘s Pay-Per-View event, Clash of Champions, dominated the news headlines, so it makes sense that No Mercy, the Pay-Per-View event tied to the Tuesday night SmackDown brand, would make all of the WWE news headlines now. So, what can we expect from this Sunday’s event?

First, according to the WWE news report put out by WrestleZone, yet another women’s match has been confirmed for the No Mercy event, as Carmella is confirmed to face off against Nikki Bella. This singles match was just announced yesterday during SmackDown, and will also be featured alongside the fight between Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship. Of the latter fight, wrestling experts predict Becky will retain her title, but Alexa Bliss will still remain a formidable force in the ring. The next time the title will be up for grabs, then, Eva Marie will face off against Becky Lynch, and most likely take home the title.

Meanwhile, according to Heavy, their WWE news reports about the upcoming No Mercy event this weekend show a lot of interesting predictions about the fights. The big tag-team fight to watch, of course, is the fight between The Usos and Heath Slater & Rhyno, the latter of whom are currently holding onto the SmackDown Tag Team Championship title.
