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Kevin SullivanIn an interview with SportsKeeda (broken up into multiple parts), Kevin Sullivan spoke about how he’d book Roman Reigns, which gimmick The Undertaker should have and more. Here are highlights:


On what should be done about Roman Reigns: “I would have him come out and cut a promo in his own words, not a scripted one, telling the people exactly how he feels about the way they receive him.

I would make his character more true to the person and give him a bit of an edge. I watched the highlights of the Greatest Royal Rumble. They thought that the people would cheer him in Saudi Arabia, but that didn’t happen because he’s been forced down their throat.

Roman Reigns got married to his wife Galina Joelle Becker in the year 2014

Roman Reigns got married to his wife Galina Joelle Becker in the year 2014

I can’t tell you from watching the television who he really is. If they had some good vignettes with him and gave him an edge, it wouldn’t matter if the people booed him.

He just needs to get a reaction and make people want to watch him wrestle. Before Steve Austin became the great anti-hero who didn’t take nonsense from anybody, he was a villain. If they took the same path with Roman, I think he could still become a top babyface.”

On which stars Reigns should face and beat: “I’d go as far as to feed him John Cena and The Undertaker on television. I know he’s beaten him at WrestleMania, but if you want a huge Raw, why not have Reigns wrestle The Undertaker.

To me, no one has drawn more money in the history of wrestling over a long period of time than The Undertaker, but the torch has to be passed.”

Nancy Benoit and Kevin Sullivan
